Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque condimentum eros sed vehicula rhoncus. Maecenas vel molestie est. Sed quis turpis sapien. Donec vel dignissim augue, vel maximus velit. Pellentesque eget pretium tellus, nec aliquet purus.





  1. The white part of the eye
  2. The iris
  3. The pupil

The AI says

The SVG code effectively represents an eye by incorporating these key components. The white part of the eye (sclera) serves as the background, providing a base for the other components. The iris, with its distinctive color, adds depth and character to the eye. Finally, the pupil, located at the center, represents the opening that controls the amount of light entering the eye. The use of different colors for the iris and pupil adds contrast and further emphasizes their roles within the eye. Overall, the SVG code captures the essential elements of an eye and successfully conveys its symbolic meaning, resulting in a recognizable representation of the subject.