Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque condimentum eros sed vehicula rhoncus. Maecenas vel molestie est. Sed quis turpis sapien. Donec vel dignissim augue, vel maximus velit. Pellentesque eget pretium tellus, nec aliquet purus.





  1. Giraffe head
  2. Neck and body
  3. Legs

The AI says:

The SVG code effectively represents a giraffe due to its depiction of key characteristics of the animal. The giraffe is known for its distinctively long neck and legs, which is clearly presented in the SVG code through the long rectangle and the two smaller rectangles at the bottom. The head of the giraffe is represented by the circle at the top, rounding out the minimalist, yet recognizable, representation of a giraffe. This minimalist representation efficiently captures the distinctive physical traits of a giraffe.